March 11, 2011

Loudly as his friend waited in line to buy a bunch of WOLVERINE comics...


  1. Maybe he meant that is is stupid how wolverine is in every comic... nah clearly not that smart. But seriously, he is in all of them, he may be the next member of Batman, Inc.

  2. @Jason: The Batman of the Marvel Universe! Absolutely!

    ...Moon Knight will be so sad he didn't get the gig.

  3. Dude, they still make Sublime fans?! That is SO stupid!

  4. Yeah, what were they thinking putting THAT flash in the pan in his own title? I mean, sheesh, what next, TWO Spider-Man titles?

  5. It could be worse, Deadpool could be having THREE simultaneous ongoings!!!

  6. I'll actually agree with him. For a while, it was the Wolverine Show at Marvel.

    I often feel that you could insert any mainstream character in place of Wolverine and I'd say the same thing.

    Time for new blood.

  7. Wolverine is lame. He's like the equivalent of Julia Robert's character in Pretty Woman, A Psychopathic Berserker with a Samurai Code of Honor.

  8. @Martha: Moon Knight is way crazier than Batman could ever hope to be. Ersatz Bruce Wayne he ain't.

  9. But he still rocks 'Sublime' merch? Talk about 'the 90s are over' pot calling the kettle black.


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