March 10, 2011


Today marks the 365th OVC cartoon and to commemorate this occasion, I am announcing the first Our Valued Customers contest! So here's the deal: Email me your submission of the strangest thing you have heard in your local comic shop, video game store, Magic tournament (etc.) along with a loose description of what the speaker looked like and I will draw the top 5 submissions and run them next week on the site crediting YOU as the writer! Submission deadline is Midnight on Saturday so get crackin! Send submissions to

Thank you to everyone who has visited Our Valued Customers over the last year and please keep checking back because this year will be even better! Thanks again everybody!-MRTIM.


  1. A huge congrats to OVC and MR. TIM on hitting the one year mark on the best web comic ever! Keep up the great work!

  2. I was working for a comic shop back in the early 1990's when Northstar came out in Alpha Flight. A redneck in his late 40's to early 50's asked me, "Do you got that comic about homasexules?"

  3. I've owned a comic store for 17 years and worked in them on-and-off for about 25 years... I don't even know where to begin.

  4. You know, I lived a boring life. I lived in a small community, though I did go to GenCon twice. But still... I don't have anything that even comes close to anything like what gets on this site. I think I'm glad of this.


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