August 29, 2014

While discussing the future of malcontent fandom...


  1. "God, why aren't they casting Nathan Fillion as everything, stupid Marvel, they don't know what they're doing."

  2. I'm already ignroing and hiding everything I can about any live-action adaptation. My "company war" was the SNES vs Mega Drive, I'm not interested in another one.

  3. I dunno. We've had plenty of Batmen and Supermen (and Jokers and Catwomen) and nobody (apart from the usual suspects) freaked out about it. I don't see things being much different for Marvel.

    1. Just wait until they have to replace Hiddleston. Fangirls (and boys) will cry havoc and unleash the Hulk dogs of war.

    2. @Bridget - just to prove your point, "NO ONE CAN REPLACE TOM HIDDLESTON!!!!1"

      Repeat with minor variations ad infinitem.

  4. There was a time when post apocalyptic cyberpunk movies were the thing.
    There was a time when kung fu movies were the thing.
    There was a time when bloody cop movies were the thing.
    Soon we'll say "There was a time when superhero movies were the thing."
    It could be tomorrow, it could be in twenty years, but I'm betting it happens within five.
    The only people freaking out is gonna be the studio when they spent a billion dollars on the most CGI fueled extravaganza the world had ever seen but summer audiences have moved on to goofy buddy comedies starring fat guys.

    1. So... By "In 5 years," you mean 2011?
      2011: The year of Green Lantern

  5. They'll still be better than whatever nonsense Fox is crapping out.


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