January 6, 2011

Regarding an episode of King of the Hill where Bobby (a 10 year old) was sad when his dad was too busy to spend time with him...


  1. That goes without saying.

  2. the funny thing is, I can sort of sympathize with him. y'know, except for the fact that he's not a 10 year old.

  3. ZombiWorkshop1/06/2011 11:01 AM

    and yet someone like that is allowed to breed? Seriously, when are they going to implement a licensing scheme for parenting?

  4. What are you, some kind of anti-fucking guy?

  5. Boy I tell you what.

  6. That boy ain't right.

  7. Yep. Mmm-hmm.

  8. He is probably just telling himself that as a way to ease the pain that his kid wants nothing to do with him.

  9. Sounds like Hank Hill already.

  10. I bet thats what his dad did

  11. "What are you, some kind of anti-fucking guy?"
    Some people should not be parents. And yeah, even though I'm not that guy I'm a little "anti-fucking". We wouldn't have most of our abortions, orphans or needy children if people could keep it in their pants. Or rags, if you're in a third world country. You should not be fucking if you can't afford to even feed yourself.

  12. if you can't afford to even feed yourself, one would wonder how you can even be fucking at all, no? Fancy clothes, clubs, just generally bathing.. the list goes on. I dont know what kind of skanky ladies you're panting at, but a lot of women have standards, like.. shaving, brushed teeth, and etc.

    It's not that they 'cant afford' to feed themselves, it's that they 'cant afford' to feed themselves and a baby (some half a grand a week, or day, or something). Sometimes these things happen unexpectedly! Like when you're drinking.

    Try not to be such a prick all the time.

  13. Bobby's 12 (and later 13) for the record.



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