January 7, 2011

Another fan of the Transformers 3 teaser trailer...

Next time you hear someone going on and on about how the Transformers movies have
ruined their lives, be sure to remind them that it's gonna be OK because a movie about
space robots that can turn into cars isn't nearly as important as it was when you were six.


  1. 26 years, almost 20 different cartoons between the US and Japan, video games, comics, soundtracks, novels, conventions, etc. etc. etc. all for the purpose of selling toys.

    Watch the films for what they are and realize that your childhood still happened and the movie wasn't that bad in comparison to the cheesy 80's cartoon.

    Movies are so much more enjoyable when you drop the nostalgia.

  2. I'm a huge transformers fan, and I agree with Will. I bought the DVD sets of the 80s toon (or G1 as we supergeeks call it) from SHOUT! recently. Guess what? I like it on a goofy level, love the toys and concept, but guys: it's a terrible show most of the time. I didn't like the second movie because it was a terrible movie, not because it raped my childhood. My commercially exploited childhood. =D

  3. She has a point. Everyone knows it was actually the Apollo 13 mission that first discovered the Transformers on the moon. Their "technical difficulties" were all fake footage, while in real life James Lovell made contact with Sky Lynx.

    This was the event that led to the Space Shuttle program, which was primarily a way for Sky Lynx to take off and land without attracting suspicion.

    Michael Bay really needs to read up on his history.

  4. I never saw the second one, the first was bad enough... except for Megan Fox. She's hot

  5. No live-action TF flick will ever be as cool as the 1986 movie.

  6. The sad part is, there's enough moon landing conspiracy theorists out there that it's plausible for someone to really believe there was a real moon landing but that it was a coverup for an alien encounter.

  7. I thought the animated transformers movie was really sad :(

  8. Orson Welles' last movie. I will say no more.

  9. Not his last acting role though. Commercial.

  10. It's not a Transformers movie unless it has a PSA at the end of it. OK, so G.I. Joe stole the Transformers PSAs, but still!

  11. I take direction from one person -- under PROTEST.

  12. Someone hasn't seen the 1986 movie since 1986....

  13. Weezer fans are morons.

  14. Too bad the artists doesn't know shit about movies, otherwise he'd realize what a fucking travesty the Transformer movies have been.

  15. Yeah, but even for a movie based on an 80s toon that was just a toy commercial.. they somehow made it even worse. When that old toon is better thought out than Bay's bullcrap. I love how Bay talks about not having size changing transformers and makes sure the Transformers cab realistically transform... then turns around with bullshit like this. I'm half surprised I haven't been seen in the store ranting to a friend about these movie. And don't get me started on the GI Joe one.


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