January 12, 2012

Regarding Alan Moore's horrible and unnecessary NEONOMICON series...


  1. ...No, son. No, it isn't.

  2. Isn't it "Neonomicon"?

  3. Before reading the description, I wasn't sure if this was about Neonomicon or Jim Balent's Tarot.

    That's not a good sign.

  4. Alan Moore has written many awesome comics.
    Neonimicon is not one of them.

  5. I disagree, Neonomicon was actually pretty cool and creepy. It's intended as body horror remember, not erotica. The fact that this creep probably enjoyed it on a different level than the rest of us shouldn't detract from the original book.

    1. You're the guy in this comic, aren't you?

  6. I'll say it: Alan Moore is highly overrated. I liked a Watchmen quite a lot, but V for Vendetta resembled nothing so much as an overgrown toddler jumping up and down shrieking 'Margaret Thatcher is a fascist!' for 300 pages.

  7. I also liked neonomikon. Sure it wasn't even close to his other comics but it was pretty and the twist was kinda clever. He is turning into a sex crazed old man lately but I'd never call neonomikon "horrible".

  8. @ Anon 10:33am

    So, Alan Moore is just Rick from The Young Ones then? You've got to admit, they've both got the "weird hair" thing going for them. XD

  9. V For Vendetta is a very early work, so even for an Alan Moore fan such as myself, I think it is quite over-rated compared to some of the other books he's written (I even think he's written far better books than Watchmen.) Neonomicon is rated just about right: it disgusts many of his fans on one hand, yet is very well crafted on the other.

  10. Sorry, not digging the blue comment text on a black background

  11. The Courtyard/Neonomicon is brilliant and a novel take on one of Lovecraft's most indefensibly racist horror stories, actually.

  12. Yeah, Neonomicon didn't do it for me, largely because it seemed purely gratuitous. I got a very clear sense that the author was getting his rocks off on the rape parts. Obviously, I can't read Alan Moore's mind so that probably says more about my interpretation than his intent, but in any event I didn't think the topic wasn't handled well, and the only reason I can think of to write the character as a sex addict was to try and take the edge off the rape. Not a fan.

    I finished it in the airport and threw it into the nearest trash can.

  13. @AnonymousJan 12, 2012 05:52 PM Sorry, not digging criticism from lameos who comment anonymously. Also, FAAAAART.

  14. Alan Moore Overrated? Who puts more depth and complexity in their comics? Who.

  15. Neil Gaiman is all imagery, atmosphere, and allusion, all of which I appreciate, but his plots are rather haphazard. The only piece of his that really moved me was Mister Punch and it that was because it was a memoir, and thus, plotting was not an issue. Moore can at least consistently write a story with a coherent beginning, middle, and end-- which is not one of Gaiman's strengths.


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