June 23, 2014

While discussing the internet...


  1. That's for sure. It's so weird to go back and read an old post on my blog, and see that someone has come into the conversation months afterwards, and posted something. Usually something rude.

    1. Then I'll take the initiative and post a rude comment months in advance!

      I think you're stupid, smell funny, and I hope you get hit by a million buses driven by clowns in banana suits.

  2. Yeah that's the feel I'm having right now trying to have a discussion about gender/race representation in video games on a dumb website between another pair of idiots...the main idiot being myself for thinking I can get through to them.

    1. That is what you get for talking about video games which are meant for idiots in the first place.

  3. Damn, I have no comeback to that one.

  4. Chances of this becoming the longest comments section in the comic's history as people try to "ironically" argue and prove his point?
    Pretty good,

    1. Oh, I doubt that. I, for one, don't want to argue his point at all, since I agree completely.

  5. Being first needs a bit of luck, but being last only needs persistence.

  6. I once encountered a guy on youtube that had a fake account; allowing him to get the last word, even after having been blocked by another user.

  7. One, what is it about comic fans that breeds this kind of attitude? I've been to other argumentative nerd communities online, but this pro-comics blog and others make comic fans out to be the barely socialised manchildren that popular perception asserts. If it's such a awful fandom, is it a good idea to work in the industry that feeds it?

    Two, if the internet is so terrible - populated by (I quote) '90%' horrible people, 'it's true' - is publishing a blog and selling merch on it such a great idea?

    Three, look at all these people in the comments agreeing and getting the last word. Then watch them disagree with this and get the last word, or keep posting otherwise and getting the last word. And then post under every other blog entry to get the last word. All the while nodding and simpering at their smug sense of superiority over this '90%', without the barest hint of self-awareness.

    Hey. You guys. Roto13. SallyP. Noisekeeper. Bridget. Jason Quinones and everyone else who posts here regularly. All the Anons, ever. Even you, Tim. Y'see that 90% the guy mentioned? That's YOU. That's me. That's all of us who ever posted a lazy, self-satisfied 'me too' in some obscure, unimportant corner of the internet about some obscure, unimportant issue to make sure everyone can know how much more mature, intelligent, and plain better we are than 'those others' who post lazy, self-satisfied comments in some obscure, unimprtant corner of the internet about some obscure, unimportant issue.

    Look to the log in your own eye, before the mote in another's.

    1. Cool story, Bro.

    2. He did not say that 90% of people are horrible. He said 90% of what is said. These horrible people post much more than other people.

    3. You know this blog quotes and caricatures actual people heard/seen in the blogger's comic store, right?

      We're all idiots at one time or another. All of us. You too Warren. Don't pretend you're above the rabble.
      And this blog means to caricature those precious moments of public stupidty or the occasional bit of wisdom about it..

      If you base your opinion of comic fandom or industry on a caricature, I can't help but question what kind of person you are.

      As you say, look to the log in your own eye and such.

    4. P.S. I only mean to ope your eyes to your own comment as you seem so intent on oponening everyone else's Dont care much if it's the last word or if 10 000 comments come after it.
      I post and then I'm done.

      I'll be waiting for the next comic.
      Like... y'know.. 90% of people.

    5. Posting a lazy "me too" doesn't even remotely qualify as trying to get the last word. That's just idle chitchat. By your standards, anyone who says anything about anything is being horribly smug and trying to win an argument no one is having.

  8. First!

    Wait, ....what?

  9. it does look like that a bit

  10. Like I said: persistence.

  11. Sorry, but you'll have to be much more persistent than that.


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