November 11, 2011

Loudly to himself regarding a POWER GIRL action figure...

He went on like that for a few minutes just staring 
at the toy and when I asked if he was talking to me 
he shook his head and came out of his sweaty 
trance and said, "What? Oh, uh, sorry. No."
and then he left the store in a hurry.


  1. Reminds me of the time I met Amanda Conner.

  2. Our little boy is all grown up! *sniff*

  3. As someone who's only tangentially associated with comic, comic-book stores, etc. Can I ask, if you think so little of the people who like these sort of the products, why do you sell them?

    I wouldn't want this sort of clientele in a store I owned.

  4. Captain Salamander11/11/2011 10:35 AM

    He kind of looks like Robert Kirkman. Maybe he was thinking aloud about introducing a Powergirl-like character to Invincible.
    Or maybe it was just some random dude suffering from sexual deprivation.

  5. Captain Salamander: So Robert Kirkman?

  6. "sweaty trance." What a perfect, if icky, turn of phrase.

  7. To be fair: Everybody DOES gotta get them some of that...

  8. Anonymous said...
    "As someone who's only tangentially associated with comic, comic-book stores, etc. Can I ask, if you think so little of the people who like these sort of the products, why do you sell them?
    I wouldn't want this sort of clientele in a store I owned."

    I've worked in retail for more than 20 years, and these weirdo customers are EVERYWHERE. Music stores, video stores, book stores, shoe stores, and yes, comic stores.

    If *I* had any drawing talent, I could make you pee your pants with some of the stories I'd draw...

  9. Captain Salamander11/11/2011 1:15 PM

    Brian, don't forget to tell us if one day you discover a talent for drawing or find an artist who would illustrate your stories. We would come and see, wearing our diapers!

  10. You know I've come to the conclusion that most of the customers on this site (especially this guy) would fit very nicely in a Daniel Clowes story.

  11. @Richard J. Marcej -I'm sorry, did I understand that correctly on your site- YOU designed Army Ants???
    For real? -I had all of those when I was a kid!!! They were awesome! Snorkel Head, Road Rash, Ozone and Blow Torch were my favorites. I'm always looking out for them at The Dirt Mall but it's hard to find them now with their butts still attached, let alone any of the weapons.
    -Still... Wow... That is so cool.

  12. St. Nick doing pre-x-mas toy reconnaissance?

    1. More like pre-XXX-mas toy recon...

  13. Captain Salamander11/11/2011 3:38 PM

    Probably St. Nick...

  14. men find power girl's enormous breasts sexually arousing. labels: it's true.

  15. @The King of Thessaly
    Yeah, Army Ants (toys, logos & packaging) was mine. Thanks for the kind words, I had a blast working on them.

  16. Well, at least he's not getting aroused by a bat and a faerie doing it... (All together now: because ew that's nasty, and no one here has any fetish of any sort, and has never, ever fapped in his or her life! Ever!)

  17. Captain Salamander11/11/2011 8:30 PM

    Well, at least I realize that my fetishes would seem rather funny and ridiculous to other people. Not as funny as the bat-fairy relationship, though. Not even close.

  18. LOL, this is the same guy who perv-ed over the Bat Girl poster, he just grew out a beard to be inconspicuous.

  19. That was probably me in the store, sorry I left in a hurry. And in case you're wondering why I had to leave, it was so I could masturbate to Power Girls sweet titties.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Every once in a while, I miss our local game store being open. Then you kindly remind me why it was that I occasionally used to leave in a hurry .


    [additionally: whoops]

  22. Okay, regarding Power Girl action figures, those things are seriously clogging some of the shelves where I live. They made her for the large-scale DC Universe action figure line, and apparently nobody around her likes her, or they're too chicken to actually walk up to a checkout lane with her in hand (nevermind that they have self-checkout available at a lot of these stores).

    But that's not actually why I'm posting this comment. It's something really freaky that I noticed about the small-scale line, where they're more the size of Star Wars action figures. I think they did a Power Girl action figure in that line, but I don't think that's the one that caused me to notice this. They made one female torso mold. Just one. Any female superheroes got the same mold, just painted different. Problem is, the first woman to get plasticized in that line had a somewhat modest outfit. Then you've got Power Girl, Starfire, and a few others who use the power of cleavage to defeat evildoers (and Star Sapphire, who uses it to commit evil, I guess), and they all got the same torso. And there's no cleavage. I mean, it's like someone pulled a sheet tight across them. It made me wonder why they even made them. If I was a little girl, I'd be offended at how crappy an attempt they made at recreating the women, and if I was this guy I'd probably be crying because they look so messed up.

  23. This would be kinda funny if he was just messing with you.


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