September 14, 2011

Regarding a WONDER WOMAN comic from 2 years ago...

I don't know what this was about but I knew 
that I didn't want to get into it.


  1. Yeah, because Wonder Woman totally does what the guys tell her to.

  2. Sometimes comic-books are a difficult place for a feminist.

  3. She had the comment in mind before even picking up the mag

  4. What else does your store sell that you get so many of the non-comic variety of weirdos in there?

  5. I laugh every time that I think of DC's huge marketing push behind this wretched new 52 thing, and all anyone talked about in 2011 was whether WW would wear pants or not.

  6. Maybe Wonder Woman wants to wear a skirt again. It would give her a tactical advantage- heterosexual guys and homosexual women will just stare at her legs while she kicks their asses. Plus, goddesses go nude all the time. Just look at some classic Greek and Roman art!

  7. If WW was a true amazon, she's lop off one of those titties so she could shoot better, and snip off her clit, too.

  8. all this talk of Wonder Woman not wearing pants is so much funnier here in the UK *titter*

  9. See, I've never understood the argument against super-heroines wearing skirts. The rest of them are wearing only panties. I mean, the skirt is one more piece of clothing than everyone else is wearing. Wonder Woman (skirt wearing) and Supergirl are a few of the only girl heroes who remembered to get fully dressed before fighting crime when you think about it.

  10. Mostly I'd think you wouldn't want anything on your costume that could be grabbed - this includes capes, of course, but I'd expand that to belts that do nothing but hang off the hip, skirts that are just covering a onesie anyway, and ponytails. I'm surprised more superheroines aren't killed simply for having ten inches of hair constantly either blowing in their face or streaming out behind them in an easy to reach handle for the bad guy chasing them.

  11. Why are people so surprised by the amount of random traffic that Mr. Tim receives. if you open your eyes at your local shop you will find that there are other people in the store. at my local shop people stop in all the time from the Subway next door. i haven't heard what they all say but i know they are astonished by what comics are these days and many are complimentary.

  12. I'm curious as to what issue of JLA had the meeting where the guys all voted that Wonder Woman had to wear a skirt again. It sounds like a scene that Bendis would write for the Avengers.

  13. as a comment about the members of the JLA as if they're real people, she sounds completely crazy. as a comment about the very insular, homogenous little community of people who still create & read superhero comic books nowadays... she hit the nail right on the head: bunch of fucking creeps.

  14. I don't like the skirt of Supergirl myself because she's always flying somewhere or hovering in the air. She's probably got a onsie on under that but the idea of a skirt is that when you wear it, you want to keep that under-the-skirt area hidden. By putting a skirt around Supergirl as she's flying lets the artist to flirt with the idea of a panty flash like I see in way too many manga and anime featuring underage characters. The fact that she's SuperGIRL instead of SuperWOMAN also adds to that; it just seems like a cheap way to exploit a character for fanservice (which is saying a lot considering what most other female superheroes wear, but that's a whole conversation unto itself, isn't it?). Also, like a commenter already pointed out above, skirts would be less than ideal to wear when fighting crime; pants or onsies with no pants make more sense. So if Wonder WOMAN wants to go with the classic no pants look she's had for the past 60 or so years, I have less a problem with that because the distinction is that she's a grown WOMAN, and obviously comfortable about her thigh area. I'm also cool with pants for WW too. I think she should get to wear both whenever she feels like it.

  15. smartypants.9/15/2011 3:44 AM

    Im pretty sure that the Justice League (and Wonder Woman for that matter) doesn't work like that.

  16. I'd like to think that's EXACTLY the way they work, and every morning they take a vote so that "NO PANTS" echoes through the halls of justice every morning promptly at 8 am.

  17. Solomon Grundy want pants too!

  18. Grundy often have pants. And charming evening jacket too, though not know where that come from. Often no shoes, however. Must ask Lex about.

  19. Come on, most of the guys in the JLA wear tights...mmm tights.
    On second thought I think we should all remember that they're animated characters who wear the same outfits every day. If they were real people it would be gross.


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