September 20, 2011

Regarding the WALKING DEAD...


  1. Dammit, you spoiled the ending for me!

  2. That's about how I feel about Zombies in general.

  3. Because Lord knows what'll happen if he exercises his free will and chooses to stop reading it on his own.

  4. At this point, that's pretty much an accurate representation of the series though. It's been going down hill and getting less and less interesting for months now, and is pretty obvious Kirkman is running out of ideas.

  5. Of all the villains to pull for, zombies are the least interesting. By definition, they have no personality. This must make Walking Dead awfully tedious for him.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ah is the sense of being chained to a book/show/game long after you've begun to hate it so foreign to you all? It's just a desire for completion.

  8. I'm like PUH-LEASE just hurry up and kill one of these idiots MRTIM so you get arrested and I can stop reading this blog already!


  9. @Gabriel - Well "accurate" to your feelings, not the comic itself. Accuracy is to describe facts, not opinions, and I completely disagree with yours. I think it's been consistently good, and the past couple of months have been great in my opinion.

  10. "Everyone"? The only person that really matters in The Walking Dead is Rick. You can kill everyone else and there will just be other characters added to take their place. You want the series over with? Then there's the out... but even then the series could still go on.

    (I only read the trades so if Rick died within the last 4-6 issues, please don't give spoilers.)

  11. I'm behind on my Walking Dead as well, but even IF Rick dies, the comic could just follow zombie Rick as he eats his way across the nation.

  12. I can see it now. Zombie Rick's Gourmet Tour Of America. Its all brains, brains, brains as he finds out which state has the most delicious organs.

  13. could just stop reading it now.

  14. LOL I actually relate to this one. It is kind of how I feel about Spider-Man these days sometimes.


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