June 10, 2011

Regarding the AVENGERS movie...


  1. Because Galactus is the only villain the Avengers ever fought. Ever. They've never battled any other credible threat. No international terrorist organizations or anything.

  2. Meh. It's a legitimate sentiment, I guess. It's no worse than thinking Batman movies with the Joker are better than those without, for example.

  3. Captain America better have Doc Ock in it, or I'm gonna be PISSED.

  4. The humor of this one really hinges on how legitimately and intensely hateful he sounded.

  5. Actually, uh, I kinda want a Galactus major role/cameo as well...I mean, come on! The Cosmic Cube will most likely play a major part in The Avengers so...you know, time to make some Earth-pot-pie to welcome the Big Muncher In The Sky.

  6. Except that Galactus was in the Fantastic Four 2. And that may have tarnished any movie cred the big purple eater of celestial bodies had.
    Kang on the other hand

  7. Spider-Man better have Fing Fang Foo in it or I'm gonna be freaking angry.

  8. An Avengers movie without Galactus would be bad enough, but a Green Lantern movie without LEX LUTHOR? I'm sorry, but I have to call bullshit on that one!

  9. Galactus was in Fantastic Four 2, and I was FUCKING PISSED.

  10. "Ross K. Wolfe said...

    Spider-Man better have Fing Fang Foo in it or I'm gonna be freaking angry."

    Fin Fang Foom Will Put You In His Pants!

  11. I kinda like the way that the Avengers is looking more like the Ultimates, actually... what I'm irate about is that there's no Giant-Man or Wasp.

  12. I too work in a comic shop and this was said in front of me the other day. Either I work with you, or every comic shop has the same brand of weirdos.

  13. The Ant Man movie better have a spider in it or else I'm gonna be fucking pissed.

  14. The new Dark Knight Rises movie better have Magneto in it or I'm going to be fucking PISSED.

  15. The new Ant Man movie better have the Savage Dragon in it or I'm gonna be fuckin pissed!

  16. The new Ant Man movie better have domestic violence in it or I'm going to be so fucking pissed!

  17. The new Deadpool movie better have Yogi Bear in it, or I'm going to be so fucking pissed.

  18. The new hamburger better have bacon in it, or I'm going to be so fucking pissed.

  19. The new "Our Valued Customers" better have sanity in it or I'm going to be fucking pissed!

  20. The new comment on this comic better have originality in it or I'm going to be fucking pissed!.... oh, wait.... shit.

  21. If I don't see Della Reese in the fucking Hellraiser remake, I'm going to be fucking pissed!

  22. ZombiWorkshop6/11/2011 3:15 AM

    The new "Two & A Half Men" better have Ashton Kutcher in it or I'm going to be... wait, he is? ... well... I'm FUCKING PISSED!

  23. Gravity better have down in it, or I'm gonna be fucking pissed!

  24. It's rare the comments make me laugh as much as the comic itself. . .

    Just the other day, televisionwithoutpity had a piece on alien monsters in movies that tore into the version of Galactus in the (terrible, awful, it goes without saying) Fantastic Four movies. And as much as Galactus was an important step, in my teenage years, toward replacing Mormonism as my default cosmological vision, I have to think a hundred-foot tall dude who looks like he's headed to the LGBT tent at Burning Man isn't ever really going to work on film.

  25. Don't make him angry, you won't like him when he's angry.


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