May 31, 2011

To his friend regarding GENERAL ZOD being chosen as the villan for the new SUPERMAN movie...


  1. Unrelated: I once saw indie comic darling Seth draw Power Girl for a dude at a comic convention. He didn't look happy about it.

  2. As long as it is the Golden Age Seth. I just can't seem to get into the current Seth.

  3. I thought Seth was Wonder Woman's arch-nemesis. I can't keep up with DC's convoluted post-Crisis universe!

  4. Okay, that's kinda adorable. Provided he was, like, six.

  5. um, for someone who knows little to nothing about comics, who, exactly, is seth?

  6. You don't know who Seth is? Seth is the greatest supervillian ever! Seriously, he makes Joker look like Bozo the Clown!

  7. that... uh... doesn't exactly help me. as I said, I'm not really a comic guy, so I don't know all THAT much about various comics

  8. Seth? Which one? The indie comics guy? MacFarlane? Green? His friend Seth who took a dump on Action Comics #900 and it was totally awesome? Help me out here.

  9. Yeah, I have no idea who Seth is either...

  10. Seth the Super Hillbilly from The Authority? Then hell yeah! 3-D breath and vomit vision, away!

  11. Oh my god, what if he really did mean Seth from The Authority, and we all just completely missed his reference?

    What if WE are the dorks this time?!

  12. There's an Egyptian god called Seth, is that the Seth we are looking for?

  13. It could just be a freind of his named Seth, that really hates Superman.

  14. I am with Tigerama on this one. Who wouldn't want to see Seth: The Six Billion Dollar Bastard take on Superman?

  15. Yeah, I'm guessing he's talking about a friend named Seth, who's probably a Batman fanboy.

  16. I for one would pay real money to see Seth Green, Seth MacFarlane or both bludgeoned into red paste by Superman. It would decrease the number of fart jokes per capita significantly.

  17. I'm not sure this item qualifies as Crazies. It could be a couple of Jus' Folks joking about how much their friend hates Superman comics.

    I suppose it depends on how sincere he sounded at the time.

  18. I am extremely disappointed in many of you for not knowing Seth the Six Billion Dollar Bastard. And you call yourself comic fans.

  19. He meant his friend Seth. That is what makes it so funny, that this guy thought his mate could be the Superman villain. If it's an actual commentary on some Seth who is involved with comics, the image is no longer funny

  20. @Tigerama

    Upon first read I totally thought that's what he meant. I was like, "Three Willy Seth? Theres no way they could pull that off without an NC17 rating, the guy had a million penises!" Then I realized I was stupid.


  22. This didn't seem weird. It sounded like the guy was joking about a friend who doesn't like Super Man.

  23. Should have went with Brainiac. This movie sounds way too much like it will be a remake of Superman II.

  24. Anonymous said...

    He meant his friend Seth. That is what makes it so funny, that this guy thought his mate could be the Superman villain. If it's an actual commentary on some Seth who is involved with comics, the image is no longer funny

    Thanks for completely murdering the ongoing joke with your post. Newsflash, toots - we got it. We were just having fun with it.

  25. I'm still waiting for the Superman vs Seth summer crossover. That would make an awesome movie.

  26. Best comments section yet!

  27. I'd love a Superman vs Seth the Superpowered
    Hillbilly. That would rock. Seriously.

  28. Well, as Apollo is a Superman variant, we kind of did see that fight, and it didn't go so well for Apollo.

  29. @Tigerma: Are you coming on to me?


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