April 11, 2011

To her friend regarding a BATMAN comic...


  1. Insightful. She's given me a lot to think about.

  2. You'll bet... ANYTHING?

  3. That would explain his generally calm attitude.
    ... wait ...

  4. We all know the only people that get high in the DC Universe are Zatanna and Constantine.

    The Joker though is obviously a meth head.

  5. Only a pothead would suggest that some fictional character (especially one who's never been seen doing drugs) would smoke pot.

    ... well, only a pothead would do that and phrase it in a positive light.

  6. Ugh, Really? You'll bet anything...because I'm pretty sure in no incarnation has he ever been depicted smoking "mad weed" so you lose the bet. He is fictional, he does not have secrets...

  7. What about the Joker's behavior would lead her to think that? I bet she doesn't smoke pot either, or she'd know better.

  8. I think it's obvious that if the Joker does any drugs it's Nitrous.

    Matter-Eater Lad, on the other hand...


  9. @bluegargantua: Best comment.

  10. Yeah, I remember the first time I tried pot... I said a lot of stupid things, too.

  11. I thought Steve Miller already established this fact?

  12. Thanks for the Zatanna link - I figured she was into all kinds of freaky shit, but being a pothead who speaks backwards to cast magic spells is really the cherry on top.

  13. As I recall, the Joker did Oxy, Lortabs, Valium, and Xanax... all at once.

  14. Anonymous: So the Joker is Rush Limbaugh?

  15. Interesting...the logo on the girl's shirt is definitely my old high school's mascot. Not sure what to think of this.

  16. It's also the mascot for the "New England Patriots." You know, the local men's tackle football team for the Boston based comic book shop that MRTIM works at. They've won several super bowls and, as a result, have developed a strong local following. There are only about 600 High Schools and at least 6,000 youth teams and even some colleges that use the exact same mascot. Serenity now.

  17. LMAO @ all the righteous indignation over the joker smoking weed! i thought it was funny but not worth getting upset over, don't be mad bro

  18. Joker DID take a hit of Scarecrows fear toxin in a pipe. That seems to imply something.

  19. Well, that would explain his latest plot to steal all the Cool Ranch Doritos in Gotham City.

  20. it's funny how many people project attributes onto their heroes that they them self do or want to do.

    "i bet batman prefers PS3 over the 360!"

    "i bet wolverine reads japanese comics since he speaks japanese."

    "i bet batgirl loves anal."

    "you just know Robin loves anal." ;)


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