March 5, 2011

A moment of clarity as he paid for his books...

He seemed absolutely haunted by this realization.


  1. This is where you suddenly got a little afraid, and reassured him that he just needs to do the best that he can do.

  2. I think it's a cry for help in the only way he knows how.

  3. I'm convinced most comic fans are horders who have channeled it into a collection. I speak from experience.

  4. I think this is a common realization for some comic collectors. Or collectors of anything really. We've all done it at some point.

  5. ..and he knows there is no going back.

  6. If you think you have a hoarding problem, give your comics away.

    I donate my graphic novels and other books to the public library.

    Getting over having things is really nice and liberating, plus you get to be pretentious to others (a real added bonus IMHO).

  7. Embrace it, man. No problem with spending on sh*t, all you need to be aware of is your budget.

  8. Beware the tyranny of objects...

  9. I don't know why but that's so awesome. How did you react/what did you say?

  10. Hey 12:07 anonymous - you would know a joke if you heard one, right?

  11. Must. Reblog. Immediately!

  12. This is me and books. I CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH! loves her little library*

  13. This is happening to me with various things, between my comics, DVDs and books I'm rapidly running out of room for pretty much anything and yet I could list dozens of things I still want. I'm fairly certain that I'll be found dead one day buried beneath a pile of Warren Ellis trades.

  14. You don't own your comics. Your comics own YOU. -Tyler Durden, etc etc.

  15. To be fair, I used to do this kind of shit. I would buy stuff I didn't even read or like because I had started the series and had to see it through for some reason. Then I moved, which drained me of all funds for comics, and that stopped me. Now I just get a few series that I actually enjoy, have more money, more room, and it's way better.

  16. There is no such thing as enough books/comics my attic is full of the sodding things as is the spare room and dining room....

  17. Well, at least it's comics and not heroin or crack...

  18. @ Eric. I had an epiphany once. Bit of salt water cleared it right up.

  19. so very true it doesnt matter how much you spend, or what you buy there will always be another comic you need to finish off a run or collection its never enough.
    From Ric The Real Stooge


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