February 17, 2011

To his friend during a discussion about the impending zombie apocalypse...


  1. This comic has made me think that comic stores are filled with just as many nutjobs as gun shops.

  2. Well as the Cthulu survival guide stated ypu're chance of survival is purely dependant on your abillity to run, make good friends and willingnes to abandon them when the situatiuon turns sticky.

  3. this guy has a winning attitude for the zombie apocalypse.

    too bad nobody will like him enough to save him.

  4. Like the larger image sizes... Had to adjust my monitor at first, but then I found out it was you, not me.

  5. There is a slight but significant difference in not letting others weight you down and screwing them over. Okay it isn't that slight.

  6. Well... he has the right attitude for life after the apocalypse... just not for before

  7. The adjusted image size doesn't work on my mobile. Anyone else having the same problem?

  8. I don't know- there is safety in numbers. The secret is to understand that it's a group of people working together to ensure as many of them survive as possible and not the Three Musketeers.

  9. not really liking the larger image size

  10. When it comes to image sizes, the bigger the better IMO

  11. Richard Doyle2/17/2011 12:20 PM

    "Even You" suggests that the guy he's talking to is more important than his family or his girlfriend. Somehow this doesn't surprise me.

  12. so I'm the only one who's actually suprised this guy supposedly has a girlfriend?

    but yeah, he's the type of person who try to screw over ppl only to be so busy with that he misses the Zombie behind him, classic lol

  13. nice to know thats the comics guy's most important to him.

  14. Joke's on him. Once the zombies attack, he's the first one we're throwing to the ravenous hordes.

  15. You could probably take out the context and the words "I wanna survive so."

  16. Seems like a good idea in theory, but everyone who's ever watched a zombie movie knows that it's the dude that tries to selfishly screw everyone over that gets the most brutal zombie disemboweling.

  17. I like the fact that his sentence seems to emphasize that you're on the same importance list as his family and girlfriend are.

  18. Yes, it's much easier to survive without your friends and family to help you.

  19. People are missing that he's talking to his friend, not the artist.

    Yes, I had to point that out. Sue me ;P

  20. At least you know where you stand with this guy.

  21. Getting a bit ahead of yourself there, buddy. Rule #1 = Cardio.

  22. Because if zombie movies have told anything its that the assholes survive.... wait..

  23. Pretty much the first man down if you ask me.

  24. Fact: This man reads Crossed

  25. I don't know what's more shocking, that he would turn on his boys? Or that he has a girlfriend?

  26. His family, friends and alleged girlfriend are pushing him in front of zombies the first chance they get.

  27. After reading 80 issues of The Walking Dead, I can understand this man's viewpoint. When the zombie apocalypse comes, you've gotta do what you've gotta do. It's like the joke about the two campers and the angry bear.
    When the bear looks like it's going to attack, the first camper starts to lace up his sneakers, and the second says, "What are you doing? You can't outrun a bear." The first one says, "I know. I just have to outrun you."

  28. the fact that he is wearing an [adultswim] shirt says a lot.

  29. Aw yeah, same here with me, dude. In fact, when Z-Day does come, you'll be the first person I trip to distract the zombies, so I can escape while they cannibalize your fat ass. :D


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