October 18, 2010

After buying some Magic cards he paused and said...

And just so YOU know, get a fucking life.


  1. That's really mean, he loves your store and you call him a loser on your website

  2. Yeah man, no offense but you’re the one coming off as a jerk here. He was praising the store.

  3. As a former comic shop employee i feel your pain. It sounds as if this guy was fishing for a discount for being the mayor though.

  4. i work in comic book store as well. our "mayor" has graduated to just asking for a discount, because he can "get a free coffee at starbucks for being mayor." keep doing this blog.

  5. Yeah, he wanted to know if your store did discounts. I didn't know Starbucks did that, but there are local stores where I live that do that as well.

  6. You're the one who comes across as a douce here. And maybe telling some to get a life when you WORK AT A COMIC STORE isn't the best idea

  7. It's pretty obvious that the artist probably wouldn't have made the comment unless the customer was being a turd. If the customer was actually cool there wouldn't have been that comment.

    Also, being a mayor of anywhere doesn't mean you're a good customer. That one purchase could've been the only one that that guy has ever made and he could still be the foursquare mayor.

  8. I guess I have a life. What the hell's foursquare???

  9. Charming. I hope he gets a sash.

  10. *bonks head* I've been that guy...

  11. LOL. Unless it clearly states on the FourSquare app that there's a special at the store, you really shouldn't announce something like that. Definitely douchey.

    And I don't see how working at a comic book store negates stating someone should get a life?

  12. Instead of making fun of them, your store should get with the times and advertise something for being the mayor. He brought it up because other stores aren't stuck in the 90's.

    Social media marketing is the best marketing, and it's way cheaper than traditional advertising.

    It's 2010 buddy.

    Your other comics are great.

  13. We get people bragging about being the mayor in my bar all the time. Every time I hear someone new say that, I smile at them and say, "sure beats being the manager."

  14. can someone tell me what foursquare is?

  15. This I guess:


  16. I'd never heard of Foursquare before today, and now I honestly wish I hadn't. I would have been perfectly fine just writing people who refer to themselves as "Mayor on Foursquare" off as bat-guano bonkers. Now, I know they're depraved losers and human malignancies for a fact. I don't even like the concept of achievements in games, let alone in real life.

  17. Dickheads on foursquare or whatever other social media site do NEED TO GET A LIFE.

  18. Man, who the hell are you people to judge the value of what someone does for entertainment? It's not like it has any damn effect on you.

    People like you just look for reasons to complain about other people and go on long tirades about people with other interests.

  19. Alot of fucking touchy nerds in this comment section. Cunts.


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