August 26, 2015

While discussing movies...


  1. This is a... surprisingly accurate and fair description of the MCU.

  2. Get it together MAN! Get yourself into a program and develop a little self-control. HEY, if I can quit smoking, I know you can rise above your lazy sense of nostalgia and, overcome your Marvel Movie cravings. Good Luck, we're all counting on you.

  3. OTOH, if you want superhero movies, what else is there to watch?

  4. I don't understand; why can't we just enjoy something because it's fun? Do the Marvel movies need to be anything more than fun? I've many quarter pounder with cheese's in my life and probably will have many more. Sure, it's not good to eat them all the time, but occasionally it's exactly what I need. Same is true for Marvel movies.

  5. I actually like how each one has its own quirks and style. Iron man is the main action flick series, Hulk for his one movie was suspense, Cap is great for a historical or political thriller, Ant Man is a straight up heist movie and Guardians is basically a more self aware Star Wars. For the actual avengers movies though I agree with the statement.


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