November 1, 2013

To his friend...


  1. No "crazies" tag?

    1. Nah, I think the customer was being sarcastic.

    2. I sincerely hope so...

  2. I enjoy your comics, Mr. Tim, but this is the first one I've ever literally laughed out loud at. Well done.

  3. What about the third group of people who don't have an X- Box at all?

    1. I believe people who lack an X-Box would fall into the "don't spend time customizing their X-Box avatar" category by default.

  4. My Avatar looks like an elf, and depending on my mood, is dressed up either as an Imperial Officer, the original Green Ranger, a cowboy samurai, a dignified robot, or a German WWII officer.

  5. For literally everything else in gaming, I spend a little bit of time trying to make my character look like me. For my Xbox avatar, I did the exact opposite. There's not enough customization with the Avatar maker besides "here's these storm trooper masks for $5" for me to like it. I want to stretch my creative imagination to end up with such thing, not just pay money for one that's been made for me.

  6. Please. This one is the crazy one. Everyone knows you need to modify your modify your avatar into your giant blue cat fursona.

    (And, yeah, the X-Box avatar customization sucks unless you're ready to spend actual money on a bunch of virtual crap. I tried it on a friend's and even the Wii Miis are much better.)


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