September 13, 2013

To his friend...


  1. But don't show it to anyone! DC and Marvel will steal it!

  2. I think you've answered your own question, good sir.

  3. "I'm sick of this media over-saturation of an unbelievably cliche setting. When I make comics, I'll do the same thing!"

  4. To be honest doesn't anyone pay attention to the fasct Zombies are rotting corpses? Shouldn't a zombie invasion last a fews months tops before they rot out?

    1. Fantasy Zombies are rotting corpses, but they generally have magics preserving them.

      Science Fiction zombies are the ones typically associated with the invasion scenario, and they're not literally reanimated corpses so much as they're just diseased people. Spread their infection through biting and the like.

  5. Funny, I could ask the same question, except that I would put the emphasis on the word "zombies" rather than on the word stupid, denoting my divergent identification of the locus of the problem.

  6. There's too many zombie comics, there must be like ten, and one of them is an ongoing monthly!

    Now superheroes, we need more of that. Totally not overdone.

  7. "MY zombies will be deep, dark, and emotional and sparkle in the sunlight."


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