September 22, 2016

While discussing video games... (From the OVC Archive!)


  1. the third one goes on back for slow dances.

  2. "Goons." That's one word for it, I suppose. "Crazed, obsessive, paranoid, bloodthirsty maniacs" might be better.

  3. Well, look at it from their perspective:
    You're a hot chick AND you're totally into something they're into. Most guys dig that sort of thing since it means they don't have to pretend to like something they hate in order to woo you. As far as they're concerned you may as well have a third boob. That's how hot it is for them.

    1. Yeah because that explanation somehow makes it all seem so much less creepy. /sarcasm

    2. So, in your opinion, guys being interested in girls is creepy? You do realize that heterosexuality is the norm, right? You need to spend less time on Tumblr and get out into the real world some more.

    3. What?! This have nothing to do with heterosexuality. What is off-putting is the obsession over one trait instead of appreciating the person. The third boob comparison is weird (but silly). That said guys being attracted to other gamers is totally cool if they dont turn this into somekind of freakish obsession that make the other person feel weird. But this is just common sense. :P

    4. Dear OP,

      man, this isn't even funny how much you don't understand what she's saying. If guys did indeed dig that sort of thing, what do a huge number of them basically assault and harass gamer girls and women? Because that's what's happening.

      P.S.: I don't recall ever seeing "act like fucking goons" being used to describe something endearing…

    5. This is because feminists have redefined disagreement as "assault" and "harassment". The media lied to you.

  4. Maybe she should hang around/scout somewhere other than a comic shop.


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