July 19, 2016

While discussing movies with her male friend...


  1. I don't think so, Tim. It's not true.

    SJW psychopaths have spent the past year losing their fucking minds over the idea that someone might not like their pet movie. They are the "entitled crybaby pricks" who are clearly incapable of creating good art, not to mention incapable of empathizing with other human beings.

    1. Says the anon with no self-awareness whatsoever.

    2. You have no idea what self-awareness means, you just saw other morons on social media use it to try to silence political dissent and now you're trying your hand at it, too. You're embarrassing.

      How does it feel to know that normies are waking up to the evils of your religion, SJW?

    3. So anyway

      You're still an anon with no self-awareness whatsoever.

    4. You've lost, you cancer. Back to Tumblr you go.

    5. So anyway

      You're still an anon with no self-awareness whatsoever and who continues to make my case for me with every word you post.

    6. That anon sure uses lots of buzzwords.

    7. Just out of curiosity, what difference does it make that he/she is Anonymous? Would it change anything at all if their name was Joe or Sue or KoolGuy_82?

    8. This anon has soundly refuted all of your moronic claims, Bridget. You have no recourse but to pretend to be above it all as you moronically repeat what SJW social media taught you to say.

      You have no self-awareness. You are trash.

    9. So anyway

      Now there are several anons who have no self-awareness and whose very words they continue to post only dig themselves deeper and deeper.

    10. It's still just me, you moronic Tumblrite. Your persecution complex is showing. You want to pretend to be a victim harassed by mobs of imaginary misogynerds when in reality you SJWs are the victimizers.

    11. It's truly amazing more people don't side with you, Anon. You're so reasonable and intelligent!

    12. I don't care about converting people. I care about exposing liars, which I have done nicely.

    13. Dear Anonymous,

      Lawlz u triggered, bro.


  2. I like how Anon there keeps using SJW like it's actually an insult. It doesn't seem to be making anyone mad though. Maybe he should escalate things a bit, and call someone a PNPWCATNAFOFHB*. That ought to put them in their place.

    *Pretty Nice Person Who Cares About The Needs and Feelings Of Fellow Human Beings

    1. You think SJWs give a shit if anyone but themselves lives or dies? What fantasy world do you live in?

    2. SJWs care so much about the feelings of other people that they spend all of their time bullying legislators into passing laws that criminalize criticism of SJWs.

    3. Yes clearly that's all they do. Another incredibly researched opinion from the internet!

    4. Yes, clearly they do, if you read their books and websites and comments. It's obvious that I understand your stupid religion better than you do.

    5. Ha. Cause you read their books and websites.

    6. I've spent years studying SJWs' idiotic self-contradictory beliefs, not to mention mass media forcing them down my throat besides. For example, I know that they think whites are inherently evil, that gays and muslims can ever get along, they believe in the 1-in-5 rape myth, they think censorship of anything at any time is acceptable, think microaggressions are real, that the new Ghostbusters is funny, and many other easily refutable beliefs.

      I understand you SJWs too well. I wish I didn't have to.

    7. Anonymous dude, you might want to go see a therapist about your persecution complex.

    8. I lost a good career because of SJW filth and have seen it happen to countless others. I will never stop fighting you.

    9. "I lost a good career because of the consequences of my own behaviour but instead of facing up to that and trying to do better I chose to blame the people who called me out on it" there, fixed that for you.

    10. You didn't "fix" it, you broke it and lied in the process, which is the only thing you SJW cancer can do. My "behavior" was disagreeing with your evil religion, and the penalty was harassment and banishment at the hands of your priests.

    11. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you're a fellow atheist ... Hitch would be embarrassed by you.

    12. Hitchens would gladly join me in the fight against you SJW garbage. You cause nothing but suffering and death.

    13. Like many snarl word using (how do you - without a trace of irony - identify? Libertarian? Objectivist? Rationalist?) you don't understand the nuanced politics of your own heroes, let alone you opponents.

    14. Your moronic kind are easy to understand and refute. I have demonstrated this throughout this thread.

      Why should I stoop to telling you what I identity as? You are incapable of debating me, and I'm not even smart.

    15. Demonstrated might be another word you may want to quickly look up then, if you think that. But hey, congratulations on avoiding labelling yourself. I have been impressed by your not calling anyone a cultural maxist so I feel we're starting to build a rapport.

      And heck, your last phrase is definitely the most accurate thing you've said in the entire thread. So there you go, even the most bitter of foes can find some common ground!

      In anywise, I hope you take care of yourself and can one day move on from blaming others for your own shortcomings.

      Warm regards,


    16. You can stop pretending you care if I live or die, SJW. You are not tolerant or magnanimous.

    17. That's just how it starts, Dan. That's just how it starts. The intentions are noble but then the public face of the movement is all but hijacked by shrill, censorial obsessives because some jackass decided that it had to involve people. Being 'nice' is nice, but 'nice' =/= SJWs.

    18. That's just how it starts, Dan. That's just how it starts. The intentions are noble but then the public face of the movement is all but hijacked by shrill, censorial obsessives because some jackass decided that it had to involve people. Being 'nice' is nice, but 'nice' =/= SJWs.

  3. Yeah, over all it was a GREAT movie but it was certainly not as bad as people were making it out to be. People need to chill.

    1. wasn't a Great*.... I liked just not that much.

  4. I started out being excited for the movie because I love Ghostbusters. I thought the idea of an all female team was different, but not that big a deal. Saw the first trailer, and didn't think it was very funny. I'm not a fan of Melissa McCarthy. Nothing against her personally, I just don't find her funny. Then I see a lot of posts on social media and on entertainment news outlets that pretty much said if I don't like and support this movie I have some sort of character defect.

    Am I dissapointed that there's a new Ghostbusters film that doesn't look entertaining to me? Yes.

    Do I think a lot of people have been jerks about this movie on both sides of the argument? Absolutely.

    Am I going to have to watch the movie anyways because my wife wants to see it? Unfortunately, yes.

    Am I mysoginist or woman-hater because I don't think it looks interesting or funny to me? No, and those saying such things (and they are out there) are a bunch of jerks.

  5. Jeez, 'The Passion Of The Christ' didn't generate as much controversy as this movie has.

    1. The Passion didn't have Paul Feig going crying to the meedja about it. Go to youtube, search 'scientist man analyzes Ghostbusters'.

    2. The Passion didn't have Paul Feig going crying to the meedja about it. Go to youtube, search 'scientist man analyzes Ghostbusters'.

  6. I don’t know her male friend. I wasn’t there to witness his behaviour over the past year. But her statement seems too harsh. It definitely doesn’t need the “it’s true” tag.

    1. If you don't know about her male friend then how can you come to the conclusion that it's too harsh?

    2. Because SJWs always lie. There is no sexist backlash against this movie. The news lied to you.

  7. Ultimately, I can’t be sure, hence my disclaimer. But look at what she says. That’s pretty harsh.

  8. I don't think that girl has any friends.

  9. So... all the Anons are the same guy, right? It's been 3 days since the last comments, I'm kind of curious to see if he's still lurking. *Ahem*

    "Sexism exists and it is bad"

    (Shh! Look under the bridge, see if he comes out)

    1. No sane person would disagree with that statement. You falsely assumed that I would because I correctly identified socjus as evil and this movie as a bad one.

      Nice implication that anyone who questions you must be a "troll", just as clickbait taught you.

    2. Yes, I'm camped on this page. I will keep posting until Tim bans me.

  10. The world didn't come to an end.

    But that particular branch of the franchise sure did.

    (The problem wasn't 'no girls allowed allowed'. The problem was 'only girls allowed, at the expense of everything else, including halfway decent writing and effects'. People will shout from the rooftops about how this is one of the best movies ever simply for the fact it has female leads, and unfortunately it does have to be pointed out how daft and blinkered that is. And speaking as someone who grew up with and loved Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, and Karen Allen among others, aaaall the way back then, the shrill 'grrrl power' hectoring in 2016 is getting a bit freakin' tired and obnoxious to my own personal ears.)

  11. The world didn't come to an end.

    But that particular branch of the franchise sure did.

    (The problem wasn't 'no girls allowed allowed'. The problem was 'only girls allowed, at the expense of everything else, including halfway decent writing and effects'. People will shout from the rooftops about how this is one of the best movies ever simply for the fact it has female leads, and unfortunately it does have to be pointed out how daft and blinkered that is. And speaking as someone who grew up with and loved Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, and Karen Allen among others, aaaall the way back then, the shrill 'grrrl power' hectoring in 2016 is getting a bit freakin' tired and obnoxious to my own personal ears.)


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