March 11, 2016

In response to his friend's outrage at the new GHOSTBUSTERS trailer...


  1. Honestly all the petty, inarticulate comments about the trailer from whiny pissbabies makes me want to watch the movie all the more.

    1. Normally I would agree with that sentiment, but after seeing the trailer myself I have to decline on this one.

      Yes there are a lot of petty, whiny comments about this movie, but for all that it still looks like it's going to be really, really bad. It might be worth checking out on netflix to see what all the fuss is about, but I'm not going to waste $14 to see it in a theater.

  2. Paul Fieg came to my house personally and smashed all my copies of Ghostbusters 1 & 2. Both my DVDs. My VHS tapes. My Blu-rays. All gone.

    I thought maybe I could go stream my digital copy but he was smart and he deleted my account.

  3. How old are people railing about "raped childhoods," anyway? If you're 35 and whining about the new Ghostbusters, you may want to re-calibrate those priorities.

  4. I don't think the movie looks very good from the trailers, but I'm pretty sure it left my childhood intact.

  5. Yeah, Marty, that about sums it up. The trailer was inconclusive to me and left me undecided, but my childhood memories are just fine. Even if my childhood was adversely affected by this trailer it would seem that there has to be a better way to phrase it than the colloquial "raped my childhood." It is just vulgar and insensitive.

  6. If that trailer 'raped someone's childhood' they must've had a pretty dull existence. I saw the trailer, it just looks like another comedy remake but with no jokes. It's a pointless remake, but with Hollywood starved of ideas then they churn over what made our childhood special. Whatever. The memories of Ghostbusters in 1984, at the end, with the whole cinema shouting along with Ray Parker Junior - Kevin Fieg will never take that away. A bad remake will never take away the love of the original. If it does, then it's you who is the moron

  7. If you ever use the phrase "raped my childhood," Collegehumor has a message for you.

  8. Wait...this trailer went to PSU?

  9. "Disappointed my adulthood" doesn't have the same ring to it...

  10. This site sucks.


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