January 20, 2016

While discussing movies...


  1. I'd buy this man a theater beverage.

  2. It really isn't. Adjusted for inflation, Gone with the Wind is the highest grossing film of all time, and always will be.

    1. But that's not what people are talking about when they talk about highest gross.

  3. Adjusted for inflation, Gone with the Wind made about $3.44 billion. If another movie makes more than $3.44 billion, that movie would be the highest grossing film of all time. So right now, it still is, but there is a chance that at some point in the future, it won't be.

    1. 3.44 billion in today's currency. In ten years, those goal posts will be moved and the number will be higher.

      Realistically, no movie is ever going to overtake Gone with the Wind in adjusted gross receipts, because no movie is ever going to face as little competition as films in those days did. Back then, there was one, maybe two films showing at any theater at any given time. Besides which, going to the theater and buying a ticket was the only way to see a movie. No home video, no instant streaming, and most people didn't have a television at all.

      These days, with multiplexes cycling movies in and out faster than ever and constantly increasing options for viewing movies, not to mention piracy, there is a limit to how much movies can gross in their theatrical run.

      Not only is Gone with the Wind the current record holder, no movie since 1982 has even overtaken ET. Avatar is sitting at number 15.

    2. Where are your numbers coming from?? Avatar, adjusted for inflation, made $3.02 billion, which puts it at number 2. E.T. adjusted for inflation, made $2.3 billion, which puts it at number 6. Titanic, adjusted for inflation, made $2.5 billion. So two movies since 1982 have beaten E.T..


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