September 17, 2014

To his friend...


  1. I always roll my tobacco in a leaf of lettuce.

  2. Make sure to load up that salad with plenty of tomacco plants.

  3. It'd be funnier if it was weed he was smoking. "Yeah, I get the munchies, so I put out some salads and that's how I got myself to eat healthier".

    Actually, I wonder if anyone's actually tried that...

  4. And if you break a cookie in half before you eat it, all of the calories fall out.

  5. As everybody knows, salad is a proven cancer preventative.

  6. What he meant to say was, "I've been smoking a lot lately, but I plan to die soon so it all evens out."

  7. Hmmmm, a co-worker of mine thought that would work for him too and his fatal heart attack at 35 sorta proved that theory was wrong, to everyone but him of course. Yup smoking can cause heart disease or make it worse, surprise smokey joe!


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