June 6, 2013

While discussing cartoons...


  1. I love you Pikachu! Now fight this pointless battle for me and almost die each time!

  2. ... Damn it, this guy has a point.

    If it wasn't for the fact your pokemon only get "KO'd" (where did we give the kids this idea that earning a concussion is 'harmless'?) instead of killed each time it'd be utterly heartless.

    1. That's actually something they get into in the most recent games (I haven't played, but know the premise). If I recall correctly, the plot resolution was basically that it's okay 'as long as the Pokemon are willing'. Think of it more like a fantasy-monster version of UFC, with the player being the 'coaches'.

  3. Don't some Pokémon die in battle? Like when Gary saw you in Lavender Town, he was missing one Pokémon - people assume that after your fight with him on the ship across the world, he couldn't get a revive for said Pokémon and it died. So Ash killed it.

    Why do I even know this

    1. More likely it was at Profeesor Oak's...

  4. Also a totally unoriginal thought presented as his own.

    1. Agreed. This has been on every single "if you really think about it..." video game thread for the last ten years. MRtim needs to learn who's speaking sincerely and who's just trying to get a comic made of them.

    2. from practically the first day that it debuted in the u.s., people have been describing pokemon as cockfighting for children.

    3. ....And? Most thoughts stated on this website were probably not ORIGINALLY said by the person. Doesn't make it less true. I don't see a tag that says "this person's totally original thought".

  5. gotta kill 'em all, gotta kill 'em all.

  6. Brilliant observation, fella! How many years did you watch before it dawned on you?

  7. He is completely wrong. It is government subsidized dog fighting for children.

  8. Not really. Pokemon generally seem to be of approximately human intelligence, and they meet just about every measure of personhood, so it's more like boxing or gladiators, depending on how consensual you believe their participation to be. On the one hand, yes, they're captured forcibly. On the other hand most of these guys could pretty easily just fry their captor from the moment they're released, and they're generally not actually being subjected to any threat or motivation to follow orders beyond their own desire to do so.

    1. Yeah but did you notice how capturing the pokemon with a pokeball seems to "domesticate" them? Pokeballs probably hypnotize them.

  9. Magikarp! Finish it off with a splash attack!


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