March 21, 2013



  1. Darwin Award nominee right here

    1. The thinning of the herd in real-time.

  2. Seriously, man? Jeez. I could see maybe if they were pizza rolls...

    1. I just assumed that pizza bagels were just the kosher version of pizza rolls...

  3. Better make an appointment with the mortician and give a heads up to the coroner that cause of the death was by pizza rolls.

  4. I can vision an undertaker just stood there measuring him up for a casket.

  5. And he couldn't freeze them for future consumption?

  6. Is the surgery maybe to extract the pizza bagels?

  7. Okay, I actually have a theory about this: if he is having his gallbladder removed (which seems plausible because he looks to be a fairly heavy guy) he won't be able to eat anything even remotely fatty after his surgery. Pizza bagels don't sound like they fall into the "low fat" category.

    1. But, if he's having his gallbladder removed, mightn't it be because he eats too many things like pizza bagels?

      And God help me, but those actually sound good right now...

    2. Oh I wouldn't doubt for a second that if he is having his gallbladder removed it is because he is eating too many things like pizza bagels. But the sort of person who would delay a surgery in order to eat pizza bagels is also likely to be the sort of person to rationalize doing so with a chain of thought along the lines of "well I won't be able to eat them after so I had better eat them before."

      Make your own? With the (fresh) toppings of your choice, you are sure to get a tastier meal than whatever comes out of the freezer section. =)

  8. I really lost it at this one. Just busted up right there in my breakroom at work. Part of it was picturing what the doctor's face must have looked like after hearing this from his patient.

  9. This is now my de facto excuse for all things:
    "We just bought a huge box of pizza bagels at CostCo so I told the judge I can't go to prison until they were done."

    ""We just bought a huge box of pizza bagels at CostCo so I told the bank it can't foreclose on my house until they were done."

    See? Perfect.

  10. Good thing I had not just bought pizza bagels when they called me for my transplant. >.>

  11. "As prep for your surgery, make sure to eat a lot of pizza bagels."
    "You got it doc!"

  12. Sounds like he has his priorities straight.

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