July 18, 2012

To his friend...


  1. Signed! Heh, you really need to print that one really big, hang it on the wall and show it to the haters.

  2. He's absolutely correct (although it does seem as if a lot of filmmakers nowadays go out of their way to make their movies appear shitty with shaky cam and hyperactive editing techniques).

  3. There's plenty of shitty old stuff too.

    The stuff you thought was cool back when you were a kid revisited as an adult turns out was shitty all along because you were too young to know the difference. (Try revisiting old eps of Transformers or G.I. Joe or Voltron. They're pretty crappy.) People latch onto old stuff and shout down anything new simply out of nostalgia, habit or a refusal to simply grow the hell up.

    Having said that...I miss Records, CD's and Liner Notes.

    1. Then go out and buy some more it's not like they stopped making them.

    2. But i only listen to bands that are so independent they don't exist yet.

    3. Me too! "Hurling Cowpies" is going to be awesome, weren't they?

    4. Eh, they will have sold out after their minus-oneth album.

  4. Also, as the stuff gets old, the crappy stuff is forgotten and only the good stuff floats to the top.

  5. MILf's RULE! Wooo Hoooo!

  6. Was his friend Alan Moore?

  7. The filter of time makes old stuff look better because the old shitty stuff gets forgotten. We get the twenty best films of 1933, not the two-hundred that sucked.


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