February 29, 2012

To his friend while explaining how he had met JIM LEE...


  1. Oh yeah? Well, I just read this comic for 15 seconds so you should have to draw me free stuff! Yeah! Sheesh, what a jerk.

  2. Definitely deserving of the 'Unbelievable Asshole' tag.

  3. And thats why people dont do sketches at con´s any more

  4. Ugh. I would be happy with a freaking Jim Lee drawn stick figure.

  5. What an utter shit.

    Talk about fucking ingratitude, I'm not even a fan of Jim Lee but the guy gave up his time to do something nice for the fans and then this entitled fuck comes along demanding more.

    This genuinely rustled my jimmies.

  6. Only the second "Unbelievable Asshole" tag. To be used parcimoniously. And entirely deserved here. ...yeesh. Explanations are wasted on such people, unless and until something shocks them out of their egotistical mindset.

  7. Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and offer this guy a hearty, "Get bent." I waited in line for Jim Lee for several *hours*, didn't even have a *chance* at a sketch and was grateful that he only limited the amount of things he would sign to 5 out of the bajillions I brought.

    Jim Lee, I salute you. Jim Lee Sketch Jackass, I salute you as well. Only I'm only using one finger.

  8. I hope Jim Lee jumped out of his seat & stabbed him in the temple with a sharp pencil - what a dick.

  9. At times like this I wonder why flamethrowers are illegal...

    1. Actually, flamethrowers are legal. You can thank the steadily encroaching africanized honey-bee menace for that.

  10. Waited in line 20 minutes for a sketch? If only we could all be so lucky. I waited in line for about an hour to get a quick sketch from Silvestri and I can't say I saw anyone behind or in front of me grumbling about it.

  11. Ladies & Gentlemen... The future of America.

  12. Lee could have at least taken a pen and filled in that pubic hair moustache for him.

  13. I'm not particularly a fan of Jim Lee -- nothing personal, I just enjoy other artists more.

    That's not to say that Jim Lee doesn't take pride in his work, nor that he somehow owes this one fan more than any of his others. The fact that this guy whines about the wait in the same breath as demanding more time from Lee shows he should've been ejected from the line outright.

  14. Jim Lee totally needs to start doing ugly stick figures for people at cons.

  15. I met Jim Lee once, and even after they had closed the signing. He walked down the line of people who were still waiting and signed their stuff. If that doesn't make you a standup guy I don't know what does.


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