February 27, 2012

To her boyfriend...


  1. Preach it, Sister!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When I watch Firefly, I think to myself "hey, this is pretty good television." I'm not entirely sure why people salivate over it so much though.

    1. The four hot women doesn't hurt. Three of them were badasses, and the fourth was for hire.

    2. Way to come in a Male gaze that shit, buddy.

  4. As good as Firefly was, I still believe that there is a alternate reality in which people complain that Heroes was cancelled after one season and Firefly just went on season after season getting worse and worse.

    1. Indeed. It's like people ignore the fact that (what are often agreed to be) the worst episodes of Buffy and Angel were produced during Firefly's run. If Firefly had continued at that time, Joss's attention would have continued to be divided three ways, and things would have been even worse for all three series.

  5. Is it sad that I share this feeling about almost everything?

  6. Hear! Hear! I'll even counter with "it wasn't really that good."

    1. Thank you, yes. It had some interesting ideas, but the execution was bungled badly.

    2. I thought I was the only one. Is there a forum or something where we can complain about Firefly?

  7. -I just want to know where exactly all these "fans" of Firefly were when it was on Fox and in danger of getting cancelled in the first place.
    But that's just my own personal, bitter old-man animosity shining through... Hell, out of the people I knew- the Buffy/Angel fans did not want to watch it because it wasn't Buffy or Angel and the non-Buffy/Angel people didn't want to see it because it was by the guy who made Buffy and Angel. I was like- what kind of nerds are you people?!? It's pretty-much Brisco County Jr. IN SPACE!!! -How can you not LOVE that?
    And not that I don't like the show, but you think in a couple of years everyone will be sucking Dollhouse's dick like it's the best series ever cancelled?

    1. Had it only had one season...maybe.

    2. They already are.

      I've been the recipient of long lectures about how Dollhouse was totally empowering to women. Supposedly.

    3. Dude, Brisco County was awesome. Firefly was passable.

    4. I watched Firefly when it was first airing. I think it had more life in it.

      I didn't think Dollhouse got all that interesting until the second season. Before that it was just exploiting women. I think it ran its course, though.

      Brisco County, Jr., was terrific. I even watched Jack of All Trades, hoping that it would one day turn into Brisco, even though I knew it wouldn't.

    5. I'm with you man, whenever I see someone ranting and raving about how great Firefly is online I think to myself "where were you when we needed you?"

    6. Not aware of the show? A lot of people were hooked on the DVDs.

    7. I was there, watching it.
      I don't know why you blame the fans who didn't find it at the time. It's not THEIR fault that it was underpromoted by Fox and was moved around from night to night and was aired out of order. Hard to build a following when your show is mishandled like that.

    8. If a show MUST be watched in sequence from the beginning it's a fatal flaw of show that will kill it. Every episode of TV- at least up until now with netflix and whatnot- was the jumping on episode for at least one person. How do you expect to gather new viewers each week if the show requires you watch the entire series from the beginning? And Firefly was never broadcast on any day but Friday- there were a few gaps thanks to baseball playoffs, but that's standard for Fox television- it's where they make most of their ad revenue to take risks on more unique shows such as Firefly. And I don't know why people care so much, Firefly was awful, I watched thirty minutes of the pilot once and seriously hated every minute of it and myself for giving it a chance.

  8. To the Comic I say, "I'll get over it when there's finally something better." So Far that hasn't happened

    1. *COUGH* Everything in the new Battlestar Galactica upto and including the New Carpica arc. *COUGH*

    2. Hear hear!

  9. I always like when the comments take the comic way further than what it's saying. She's saying "firefly was GREAT but..." and almost everyone in the comments is like "YEAH firefly wasn't that good!" Tag: jerks

  10. This one speaks wisdom and truth.
    Firefly was fun, but there's been plenty other shows I've enjoyed since then.

  11. NOOOOOO!!!! FIREFLY RULES!!! ARGH!! *crazy drooling*

    Nothing else will ever be as shiny!!!

  12. Imagine a world where Firefly was not cancelled...
    ...And jumped the shark by season 3, like everything else Joss Whedon has ever done.

    1. Wait a minute, I haven't seen Angel or Dollhouse, but having just watched Buffy in the last year I could easily say that it didn't even really get good until after the end of season 3 except for parts of 2, and 5 was by far the best.

      On the other hand I know nothing about Buffy's fandom. Are they one of the crazy ones that whine about a thing as it gets better?

  13. i just have a total hatred for joss whedon he ruined runaways, for this crime there is no forgiveness

  14. Want to see Joss cry? Bring up Alien: Resurrection. It's funny how he keeps trying to blame everything and everyone else for how horrible it was when he simple fact is that Joss Whedon's writing style does not befit the High Octane Nightmare Fuel of the Aliens universe. Then again, at least it wasn't as bad as the AVP films. But I'm getting ahead of myself, this is about Firefly, which was one of the best shows of it's time.

  15. I liked Firefly better when it was called Blake's 7.

  16. Loved Buffy and Angel. Also loved Dollhouse. For some reason I cannot fathom, Firefly bored me to tears and I could never manage to watch it for much longer than 5 minutes. I sat through Serenity and while I thought it was okay, I can't even remember most of it.

    Joss Whedon's Cabin in the Woods looks really good though!

  17. I just finally watched it and I have to say it didn't live up to they hype at all. It was some damn good television and had an enormous amount of potential. I loved the setting and where it was going, but it wasn't the greatest thing I've ever seen.

  18. Joy that someone else saw Blake's 7 and realises it the same show but with a wonderful British sense of crushing misery. No substitute for Avon, Villa and Orac.

  19. Very much enjoying the recent string of "it's true"s. It's a nice change of pace from the usual facepalm-worthy remarks that populate the comic (much as I love those).

  20. When I saw it for the first time, I thought that someone had crafted a television show JUST for my personal enjoyment. It felt specially crafted for ME. THAT is why I still obsess over it. Now when I find something that speaks to me on that level, I will allow my anguish over firefly to die down if, probably, never fully go away.

  21. What is Firefly? Never heard of it. Is it on DVD?

  22. Replies
    1. LIES AND SLANDER! There aren't other TV shows. Television started and ended with Firefly. It was a brief, shining moment.

  23. Arrested Development was better.

    Mind you, that one's actually coming back, so perhaps there is always hope...

  24. HA!! I think this speaks to my core. LOL I love Firefly as well, but this comic is so true. There are other shows out there. Oh, I love this cartoon girl. LOL


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