May 15, 2011

Regarding summer movies...


  1. In fairness, I think this guy has a point.

  2. If this next movie-based-on-a-cartoon-based-on-a-toy-commercial isn't the best movie ever, I will slit my wrists until the butter comes pouring out.

  3. Ugh, the number of times I've heard this schtick. Don't see the movie! It's going to suck! Go watch a good movie instead!

  4. He'll probably be fine. If his childhood is resilient enough to have survived the first two Transformers movies, it can handle anything.

  5. They owe my childhood an amazing Mighty Heroes movie.

  6. This comic perfectly sums up the negative aspects of fandom. The idea that this guy feels he is "owed" something.

  7. He should try reading a book.

  8. Where is that "You Can't Do That on Television" movie?

  9. Ughh What is it with you people and this nostalgia? How anybody could "ruin" a half decent (granted i never watched a whole episode of any of the series, buts that's the impression I get from what I've seen) old cartoon about space robots that turned into cars and jets and shot lasers at each other solely for marketing purposes is beyond me. No offense, but it's just a stupid cartoon. And the movies were pretty good, considering the source material. I can't imagine what any of you people were expecting.

  10. ^wow, that sounded more trollish than i intended.

  11. Regardless of anyone's opinions of the TF movies, I really don't think "they" owe anything to anybody's childhood.

  12. They provided you with thousands of hours of free entertainment, what could they possibly owe you?

  13. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Like watching "Transformers 2" and "3" after seeing how terrible the first one was.

  14. Much like methadone clinics, they need to have nostalgia clinics, where they gradually wean nerds off of cartoons from the 1980's

  15. If the man's childhood was uninteresting and privileged enough to be defined solely by the media he consumed, I think society may be owed something instead.

  16. The Transformers movies are already perfect. Seriously. The cartoons were nothing more than half hour long commercials for toys, and the movies are the same, except the toys being sold are now Xboxs and cars.

  17. The veneer of nostalgia always blinds us to the fact that the things we loved with all out hearts in our childhoods were, in retrospect, actually pretty shit. Transformers was literally a half-hour commercial meant to sell toys, nothing more. But when Michael Bay made a couple of shit movies out of the franchise, everyone remembered how lame the franchise itself actually was, and then blamed the movies for 'ruining it.'

    Not that I'm any different. I love how much I loved Transformers as a kid, and the movies made me realize that it was never any good. Screw you, Michael Bay!

  18. Don't fuck it up or the childhood gets it!

  19. The animated Transformers movies should have been the only ones made for the franchise. Seriously.

  20. No need to worry, folks. I'm betting this guy is used to disappointment by now.

  21. My sister's ex-bf said the exact same thing.

  22. "They owe it to my childhood!"

    That's a great line! XD

  23. By the look of how MRTIM drew him, was he watching Transformers when he was 20?

  24. Yes the original cartoon was just a extended commercial for toys, but that doesn't mean there wasn't some good ideas, good characters and good storylines in there too.

    To say that the cartoons were crap so a crap movie is the best we could expect is foolish. If they'd taken some of the better elements from the cartoon we could of ended up with something pretty special...

  25. I'm so tired of hearing the "it's just a toy commercial, what did you expect" line from people when it comes to the Transformers movies. Coming from dubious source material is not an excuse to ignore basic standards of filmmaking and story telling. You can make a good movie out of anything, and being "toy commercials" is really no excuse for it. The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon is basically a toy commercial as well but that cartoon also has good characterization, interesting stories, and humour. And that's cute little ponies who go around acting all sweet. With the Transformers you got even more seeds for a great story. Alien robots. Intergalactic civil war going on for thousands of years. That could be eptic and out there stuff, but instead Michael Bay chose to focus on big explosions, some annoying twit's aspirations to hook up with some dumb chick way out of his league, and a lot of explosive pandering meant to convey how awesome the miliary is. The Transformers movies weren't awful cause they were toy commericials, they were awful because they were a macho cheesy testosterone fueled joke with the robots they were named for appearing in about only a fourth of the film.

  26. the only thing this guy is owed is a kick in the fucking face. jesus really your childhood was not so precious that it can be scarred by a series of shitty movies and if it was then your parents owe YOU the apology for raising such a shitty shut in of a child who grew into a manchild.

    fuck i'm not sure how you keep sane in this place if this the revolving door of human trash that you deal with on a daily basis.

    sorry for being so harsh but these "you raped my childhood" douchebags just bring it out of me...

  27. I like the movies and don't like the show at all. I always find it interesting when people get mad at me for saying this, because why does it ruin someone else's day just because I have a different opinion on something (especially something as trivial as a franchise about robots)? Some of us just like big explosions better than old cartoons.

  28. The Cartoon doesn't hold up to good there is some decent characterization but must of the stories are unbelievably stupid (they could give "Revenge" a run for it's money).
    The UK Comics written by Furman on the other hand are still f*cking awesome, still read them some times. Way more enjoyable then both Bay Movies.

  29. I like Simon Furman.

  30. What I really don't get is, what's the big deal with megan fox? She has got to be the most average looking woman is the world. Seriously, standard female. Tv pretty, sure, but not gorgeous

  31. Transformers is in fact a toy commercial, and being a beloved toy commercial from your childhood doesn't prevent it from sucking. And it's not the no-talent Bay's fault for ruining it. The Transformers franchise is dumb enough to ruin itself.

  32. I think the height of pretentiousness is disliking the Transformers movies. It's an action movie that people dis for having too many explosions and cliches as if they were expecting The Godfather. You sit down, eat your nachos, watch big robots beat each other up for two hours and walk out happy. Get over yourselves and you can enjoy simple shit like the Transformers like the rest of us.

  33. If the Transformers actually had the robots in them these points would be valid. But they didn't. In the first one they were present but in the second they were in only about a fourth of it. Most of the movies were dedicated to showing off Fox's awesome body and pandering to military fetishists.


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