February 7, 2011

After spending close to 5 minutes trying to look up a WONDER WOMAN action figure's skirt he asked me...


  1. Why didn't just take a picture? It'd last longer.

  2. I don't go into many comic shops, so I'm finally going to ask this. Are patrons EVERYWHERE like this? Or is this particular store an anomaly?

  3. The comic store I frequented as a kid was nothing like what is depicted here. Well, there were some creeps once in a while. I then moved to a bigger city and across several comic and game stores, I find these *exact* types of people. Some of the crazy stuff I have overheard...

  4. I'm going to guess that somebody who works an eight-hour shift several days a week, as opposed to coming in once every week or two to browse or shop, is going to hear at least seven odd comments a week from customers.

  5. I was friendly with the guy who usually worked the counter at the comic shop I used to frequent, so we would hang out and shoot the shit for a while, and every couple weeks there would be some mouth breather or asshole just like those depicted here. While not the norm, the stereotype of comic book readers and nerds in general all being socially retarded is still somewhat true.

  6. Working merchandise booths at anime conventions you hears a lot of the same thing.
    There was the one where the two girls were arguing Batman vs. Superman and somehow sex ability came into it.
    Then there was one my husband experienced. A guy got a little too excited and nervous when he saw nipples after lifting the post it note cover the bust of a topless statue. That could be creepy enough, but it took the guy 5 minutes to even get the courage to lift the paper.

  7. Speaking of Wonder Woman and skeeviness, here's a conversation that I had with a comic shop owner (and FYI, owners are frequently as messed up as some of their customers, Mr. Tim excluded of course).

    Owner: Hey did you hear that one of Wonder Woman outfits from that Linda Carter series is on ebay?

    Me: No.

    Owner: Hell, I'm thinking about getting it just to sniff the crotch.

    Me:(Grossed out look on face) That's nice.

    Owner: Aw, come on. You'd do it, too.

    Me: No, because a) I'm not a fucking panty sniffer and b) (which I can't believe I'm actually about to argue not against undergarment sniffing but this particular outfit) you don't know that Linda Carter actually wore that outfit. It could have been a stunt double. And that double could have been a dude.

    Owner: Still.

  8. Throwup Monster2/07/2011 3:15 PM


  9. GAAAAAHH indeed, sir. GAAAAAHH indeed.

  10. Ahhh, yes... That "Party" Angela variant from back in the day is still showing its effects on total perverts... He should move to Japan; they'd accept him as he is...

  11. Listen, I'm not gonna knock panty sniffing if thats you're thing, but maybe thats something best left kept to yourself.

    Also, I would think that as a comic store owner there would be better uses for that costume, like say, putting in a display case.

    Or charging to have people sniff it.

  12. Get him a Simpsons Groundskeeper Willie (in Kilt) figure.
    See if he'll want to look up that "skirt"....

  13. If Toy Story was real, figures of female superheroes would be living in fear.


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