January 17, 2011

While trying to return a box of Wolverine:Origins movie trading cards...

To who? The buyer's remorse police? 


  1. SHIT IS ONLY WORTH WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO PAY FOR IT. I don't understand people who buy comic books like they're investments.

  2. They had Wolverine: Origins trading cards?

  3. I'm pretty sure those cards were alway worthless.

  4. I'm curious ... how did you respond to his "threat"?

  5. @ Anon: probably with laughter and a snarky comment along the lines of "go ahead."

  6. Am I the only one that is deeply--deeply--concerned that your response should have been, "To whom?"

  7. @Coleman: I beleive that quote who are looking for is
    "Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it."
    -Publilius Syrus

    You probably should have seen this coming when he was stupid enough to pay $60 for those cards.

  8. I actually tried this game with Pokemon cards back in the day. Gold-foil cards in a pack of nine. I figured they'd be worth a lot one day. Not so much!

    Although I didn't have the delusion of demanding a refund. Did this guy even have a receipt?

  9. Worthless? Seriously, this one has HUGH JACKMAN on it! He's the Chuck Norris of Marvel movies!

  10. If I can't rely on Wolverine: Origins cards to be worth something one day, then what CAN I believe in?
    Lol, I can't wait for the day when he sees a box of the cards on Ebay one day going for $6,000 long after he's thrown his worthless cards away.

  11. It makes me sad that so few people buy things with the intent of collecting the items themselves instead of for resale purposes. Ah well.

  12. Ah the speculator market. Either you have really bad judgement or just aren't patient enough for it.

  13. @Ruben

    Right there with you, man. That's the first thing I thought.

  14. ZombiWorkshop1/18/2011 2:26 PM

    ***note to self... start the "i paid too much for this, and now you wont take it back and I'm retarded" police. Bound to make money off of that somehow. :P

  15. Whom is dead, long live who.

  16. Best use of 'whom' in a sentence? Saruman in 'Fellowship of the Rings', addressing Lurtz the Uruk-Hai: "WHOM do you serve?"

  17. It is possible to invest in collectibles

    it's just not a good risk because the supply and demand are too unpredictable

    you can be pretty sure people are always going to want food, so food items are a rather reliable investment, of course, you could have a freeze and have a whole crop die....

    investing in collectibles would mean you're expecting X comic to be rare and for lots of people to be interested in it

  18. I feel bad for the guy. He could have bought a lot of Happy Meals with that money.

  19. Who/Whom is easy.
    If the answer to the question would use 'He', use 'Who'
    If the answer would use 'Him', use 'Whom'
    eg. "He gave me the deck of cards" --> "Who gave me the deck of cards?"
    "I'm going to report this to him!" --> "You're going to report this to whom?"


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