December 7, 2010

After my recommendation of a Spiderman comic for his 6 year old he said...


  1. Ah, he will be adding yet another upstanding citizen to the growing ranks of upstanding... citizens...

  2. "then how about this delightful action adventure called Crossed...."

  3. Give him the entire back-catalogue of Herogasm

  4. But Spider-Man knows the president!

  5. Why was he in a comic book store? Yes, yes, there are indy comics, but for a six year old? See, this is why I never give recommendations when people ask at the store, like I'm supposed to regurgitate an endless string of titles while they go: "No... No... I saw that... No..." Fuck you. Now, when they ask, I just shrug and say: "People's tastes vary..." and then turn away.

  6. Funny thing is, most spiderman titles aren't rated for someone 6 years old either.
    I hate it when people come in the store and say where do you keep the comics for adults, and I have to explain that 90% of the store is rated teen plus, the dozen comics on the spinner shoved in the corner is kids section!

  7. Dude should pick up Owly. That book is wicked.

  8. Preacher it is!

  9. @Another Tim,

    Are you sure they are asking for adult comics and not for adult comics *nudge nudge wink wink* say no more.

  10. They should really just call them "Big Boy" and "Big Jugs" comic ratings. Would make the rating system so much clearer and so much more fun to say at your work.

    Especially when those incognito types come in and whisper about what kind of comics they're looking for. Gives you the chance to shout for your superior and make them cringe and deny having asked for it! :)

    But back to the point of the comic...
    Anyone who uses the word bro to finalise a sentence is due a slap to the back of the ear. I'm just sayin'. His poor kid will never stand a chance.

  11. Might I suggest Ducktales good sir?

  12. I would gladly lose my job to serve that prick a fist-in-the-face sandwich.

  13. ... if your biceps are less than the size of your skull, you're a wussy. If you're not unable to tie your own shoe lace because of all the muscles packed on you, you're a wussy.

  14. @Anonymous
    Canadian comic book stores actually have a hard time getting XXX stuff. Diamond wont sell it to us, I think because of boarder problems or something. In the 80's and 90's our store had a successful adult section. But yes I was referring to the dingbats that come in and complain that all the books are for kids.

  15. @anonymous at 8:26
    This from a fellow canadian: any literature passing
    through the airport is inspected by a random-ass security
    guard who checks if the work meets a criteria checklist &
    can order them back all on his own subjective lonesome. I
    learned this in a college literature course


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