November 22, 2010

Regarding the Green Lantern movie trailer...


  1. Yeah, they don't even respect the origin story any more. Everyone knows that Spider-Man was raped in an alley by a radioactive spider.

  2. Iron Man 3 just needs to be nothing but Tony sitting in AA meetings and talking about how his higher power has a badass hammer

  3. Because there are only broody comics on the shelf & publishers don't ever release fun, lighthearted books anymore.

  4. I think Ryan Reynolds is pretty dark and disturbing.

  5. "Because there are only broody comics on the shelf & publishers don't ever release fun, lighthearted books anymore"

    Just off the top of my head...
    Thor: The Mighty Avenger
    Batman: The Brave and the Bold
    Marvel Adventures: Superheroes
    Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet
    Atomic Robo

  6. Ha, reminds me of what I heard a guy behind me bitching about when I saw the trailer in theatres:

    "God, Green Lantern is supposed to be BLACK. Leave it to Hollywood to RACIST THINGS UP."

  7. Yeah, because no fun/ dark and disturbing has worked out so well for comic book sales.

  8. ""Because there are only broody comics on the shelf & publishers don't ever release fun, lighthearted books anymore"

    Just off the top of my head...
    Thor: The Mighty Avenger
    Batman: The Brave and the Bold
    Marvel Adventures: Superheroes
    Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet
    Atomic Robo"

    sarcasm: learn to detect it

  9. And several of those comics are canceled.

  10. Well I, for one, agree with the quote...

  11. Ha, reminds me of what I heard a guy behind me bitching about when I saw the trailer in theatres:

    "God, Green Lantern is supposed to be BLACK. Leave it to Hollywood to RACIST THINGS UP."

    To be (somewhat) fair, John Stewart almost certainly is the default GL for all the kids who grew up in the 2000s.

  12. Fuck those people who actually believe that John Stewart is the mainstream Green Lantern. I don't
    care, some non hardcore comic book fans should go
    and read a fucking comic book once in a while
    before saying inaccurate and ignorant shit.


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