November 8, 2010

Oh yes this really happened...

This is the best one of these I have ever heard for two reasons. Reason #1- He was most likely in his 40's and he was in the comic book store, yelling at his elderly mother and Reason #2- He has left me to forever wonder what constitutes 'good sweat pants'.


  1. This is one of the best things I've seen in a while, and I'm dying to figure out which Boston-area comic book shop this is taking place in. Brilliant!

  2. Love your blog.
    It brings back memories of the times I worked in a video store.
    There was this one guy who was in there all the time and similar to you, I was one of two possible people working at any given time. At least once a week he'd ask me if we had any x-rated films (which we didn't). The answer was always no and he'd always end up renting some completely lame movie. Same process every week up until I left.
    Ahhh, the memories...

  3. Boston_Pinay11/10/2010 2:44 PM

    His good sweatpants are the ones he wears when eating regular Cheetos, NOT Spicy Hots!

  4. And 3. What pants should you run in if not Sweatpants? Running is the purpose of sweatpants.

  5. This is just exceptional. His whole life, implicit and explicit, in three sentences. Conflict, resolution, a giddy victory. I'm awed. Five stars.

  6. I only wish the picture showed the sweatpants. We too shall always wonder.

  7. moms got owned. hard.

  8. I am more concerned about the bad sweat pants.

  9. I'm appalled. I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I wouldn't be as overwhelmed if I was personally watching a panda give birth. While fighting an eagle.

  10. @anonymous from 11/10/2010 3:41

    He runs in his bad sweatpants, running in the good ones turns them into bad ones.

  11. Here are the newest collection of sweat pants designs. Now available in very cheap prices with much better quality. Thanks for this colorful post.


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