April 25, 2010

The man knows what he wants...



  1. Try working as a video rental clerk. You will get this twice a day, or something like it.

  2. Yeah,I used to work in a book store and I'd get that all the time! "Do you know the title?" "No." "Do you know the author?" "No." "Do you know what it's about?" "Uhhh...."

  3. (Reading through the back posts...)

    well...here is why my local comic book shop is awesome.

    me: Hey, I was in here, and there was a book I saw that I wanted but I didn't have the money, and now I can't find it, and all I remember is it was kind of beige. And possibly about a murder. And I'm pretty sure the author's first name had 1 syllable.

    clerk: *looks thoughtful, goes and finds a box, digs around, hands me a comic* This it?

    me: AWESOME.

  4. I also worked in a bookstore (a large chain bookstore that housed thousands of books) and a lady once came in, didn't know the title, author, or subject matter of the book, but knew that the "cover was blue".

  5. Librarians get it too. It's especially great when they call you an idiot for bringing them the book they asked for (you get to know the popular ones after a while) but it's not the color they expect books in the series to be.

  6. Welcome to my life. I get those at least three times a day in the video store. If I can't name it off the top of my head, I get that dirty "Why do you work here when you know nothing about movies" look.

  7. I also worked in a bookstore (a large chain bookstore that housed thousands of books) and a lady once came in, didn't know the title, author, or subject matter of the book, but knew that the "cover was blue".

    I have had this one happen to me when i worked at a Barnes and noble.

    After a while I actually remembered the book cover colors, where they were in relation to the front door and how many we had. I worked info a lot because of this.

  8. Just wait until you are asked, "Where are the comics." It will happen one day.

  9. [color=white]*[/color]

  10. That story about asking to identify a book by it's cover colours sounds EXACTLY like a Sunday FBOFW strip:

  11. "But it's the one with the dudes beating the crap out of each other and the babes are like, hot and wearin' costumes that look like they're PAINTED on, dude."

  12. Reminds me of this classic sketch:


  13. My best friend is the Ass't Manager of the local comic shop, and I've been hanging out there on numerous occasions when idiots have called the store and ask, "What new stuff came in this week?"


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